Your Black Friday Special

According to Wikipedia, Black Friday is an informal name for the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, the fourth Thursday of November, which has been regarded as the beginning of the country's Christmas shopping season since 1952, although the term "Black Friday" did not become widely recognised or used until the 1980s or later in some regions.
Most major retailers open very early, as early as overnight hours, and offer promotional sales.
This promotional trend is now well settled into the Australian shopping trend. So we thought, why not, let's have a bit of pre-Christmas fun.
You know we don't do free delivery. The truth is Australian delivery system sucks and costs an arm and a leg just to send something down the road.
But we will bite the bullets and do it just for you this time. This is the only time this year we ever offer free delivery, so DON'T MISS OUT :)
Your Free Delivery Code:
- Free shipping on entire order
- Minimum purchase of 2 items
- For Australia delivery only
- Applies to shipping rates under $50.00
- Active from Nov 23 midnight until Nov 24 midnight, Sydney Australia time.
SHARE THIS POST with all your friends and family. The more the merrier! Remember you only have ONE DAY to use this free delivery code, as long as you buy at least 2 items per order.
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