Origami Paper in a Box

Origami Paper in a Box: Japanese Patterns

- By Tuttle Publishing

This wonderful box set makes an excellent gift. It contains an instruction booklet for four items and a generous amount of origami paper to start folding with!

What's really cool, is that the origami paper is of a larger size: 15cm x 15cm. Making folding easier. And if so inclined, for the more advanced folder to fold more complicated designs.

The paper used on one side is a solid block colour, while on the reverse side there is a mix of more traditional Japanese patterns. This means that when a person folds the kimono, the sleeves do look like kimono sleeves with their intricate designs.


Teas.com.au book giveaway - 12 weeks to Christmas
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Have fun and read for your pleasure and leisure, with a delightful cup of tea!
@tuttlepublishing #origami #japanesepaper #lifestylechallenge