Mock Pineapple Sangria


Makes 1 glass

  • Half a glass pineapple juice,
  • Chilled half a glass Carnival fruit infusion, made double strength
  • A small handful of mixed berries,
  • frozen or fresh handful of dark grapes



  1.  Pour in Carnival fruit infusion into ice cubes trays, drop in a few berries with the ice cubes.
  2. Freeze.When the ice cubes are ready, drop 3-4 cubes in a glass, pour in chilled pineapple juice and remaining berries and grapes.
  3. Colourful and non-alcoholic – great for after Xmas parties when you have enough alcohol in your system and serving water seems a bit plain!
    Serve stirred


Carnival Fruit Infusion is available now in our website.